Angela's House Blog

  • August 2nd, 2006 by Angela's House

    Tuesday Day 3 Charity Bike Ride

    Tuesday, Day 3

    William called with the following report:

    They left at 6 am and ended in Mansfield, Ohio at 7 pm, traveling 125 miles.
    Heat is horrible.
    They had a bad night’s sleep. Air conditioning wasn’t working. They were sweating in their beds.
    No flats today.
    No leg cramps today.
    William said, “My butt is on fire!”
    He has a wicked rash and has put “every medication known to man” on it.
    Jay is doing well, and is feeling much better than William.
    They stopped to get new tubes and new tires. William says his are now “bullet proof”. He told the store clerk he didn’t want any more flats. He guaranteed William there would be no more flats. We’ll see…
    William drove 3 miles before realizing he left his gloves on the counter at the bike store. Jay asked him if they should go back for them. William said no and assured Jay that the woman at the counter would bring them to him. He told her the direction they were heading. Sure enough, 10 minutes later, she drove up honking the horn and waving the gloves out the window. They made many stops today and stayed hydrated.
    They got to the hotel and, as usual, William’s cloud followed him. There was a water main break and the pool was empty.
    I asked if he wanted to turn back. He said, “Hell no!”

    Stay tuned!
    Aunt Lee

  • August 1st, 2006 by Angela's House

    Monday Day 2 of the Charity Bike Ride

    William and Jay started at 6am on July 31st. One mile into the trip William got a flat. 100 miles into the trip william had another flat. William had a third flat 103.5 miles. He road the next 1/2 mile to the hotel, too tired to change it. The Hotel had no rooms available. They were sent across the road to another hotel. Rooms had not been rented in a year and when they opened the door , it was like a sauna. Fortunately they talked the person from the first hotel into letting them use the pool and the internet. During the afternoon, they ran out of water. They stopped at a truck stop and the guy let them cool off and get cold water. The average temperature was 100 degrees with trucks whizzing by them. No leg cramps today but ” butts are sore” The actual riding time was 7 hours plus another 3 hours for breaks and changing tires. They are really wiped out today

  • July 30th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Charity Bike Ride Starts Sunday July 30th

    William Iaia ( Black and red shirt) and Jay D’Agostino ( Wheaties top) begin the 900 mile charity bike ride from Chicago to Long Island NY. This effort was done to help raise money and bring awareness for children with special health care needs that are medically frail, chronically ill or living with a life threatening illness. These children are in our community , in our hospitals and some in our special homes “Angela’s House”. We are very proud of these two special men who selflessly are giving all they have for these Children.

    The night before they started each of their $200 Computers for the bikes that monitor their data malfunctioned. A half hour before the store closed they ran out to buy new ones.

    DAY ONE:
    William called 3:30CST
    *off to tough start
    *Made it to Plymouth Indiana,45 Miles west of Ft Wayne
    *heat is awful
    *Both William and Jay have bad leg cramps
    *Had to pull over and lay down on the grass due t the heat for about 15 minutes and fell asleep for a bit
    *74 miles into the trip william hit a rock at 20 MPH and had a blow out.
    *stopped to replace tire
    *Changed course and no longer on rte ^ due to high crime area, now traveling on rte 30
    *Did a total of 94 miles and stopped in ahotel. At the pool and later to dinner and bed
    asked if they will quit—– William sad NO WAY!

  • July 30th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Getting ready for the Charity Bike ride

    William Iaia and Jay D’Agostino flew Southwest Airlines to Chicago and prepare their bikes for the long 900 mile ride to Long Island

  • July 29th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Angela’s House Charity Bike Ride

    Jay D’Agostino and Mr Iaia look at the map for their 900 mile bike ride that will start on July 30th in Chicago and will end August 6th on Long Island at McCarthy’s Pub Centereach. They should arrive at the Pub between 1 to 4pm. Mr D’Agostino said that they have trained extensively over the past few month in preparation for this 900 mile bike ride and they are very excited to be part of helping ATDC / Angela’s House. Their effort will help to raise money and bring about awareness for medically frail children.

  • July 29th, 2006 by Angela's House

    HRH Construction Golf Outing

    Gregory Cuneo, Chairman of HRH Construction graciously held their 3rd annual fund raiser on July 25th at the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester. ATDC / Angela’s House was one of the recipients of this great event.

  • June 21st, 2006 by Angela's House

    ST. Catherine of Siena Hospital make a generous donation to Angela’s House

    Nurses week at ST. Catherine of Siena Hospital in Smithtown took on a whole new meaning. This special week was established to honor the back bone of our health care system — Nurses –. The nurses initiated a fund raiser for “Angela’s House” that spread support throughout the hospital. We were honored to receive this generous check from this great group of professionals.

  • May 30th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Brian Abramowitz from Troop 214 completes work for Eagle Project

    Angela’s House is proud of Brian Abramowitz who made fences to go around three tree wells in the back and side of the house. They came out beautiful. Brian then worked with Girl Scout troop 3720 to plant flowers around the fences.
    The Girl scout troop 3720 has visited the house every month since the fall. They have done so many wonderful things for the children and Angela’s House

  • May 18th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Bruce wins a medal

    Bruce’s smile shows how proud he was to be one of the medal winner at a recent horse competition.

    Bruce is one of children in the ATDC family. His nurse case manger worked closely with the family to help make this all possible. Bruce’s smile makes it all worth it

  • May 13th, 2006 by Angela's House

    St Thomas More Walk a Thon

    The sun shined on the annual walk a thon benefiting Angela’s House. It was a pleasant surprise to have such a beautiful day all the weather forecasts called for rain all day. The kids had a great time and they loved the snacks after the walk.