Angela's House Blog

  • September 26th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Golf Outing

    The Angela’s House 2006 Golf Outing was very successful. We had a perfect day for golf with a nice breeze with a sun shinning perfect day for golf and fun. The Hamlet at Willow Creek Golf and Country Club did a great job all day making our guest feel at home. The course was in great condition and everyone had a great day of Golf. Read More

  • September 20th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Golf Outing September 26

    The ATDC / Angela’s House Golf Outing needed to change to a new golf course due to major problems with the green of our origianl course. We have moved to Hamlet Willow Creek Golf & Country Club. The address : One Clubhouse Drive , Mt, Sinai NY 11766. Website All the times will remain the same. Breakfast at 930am , Golf Tee Off 11am and cocktail and dinner at 430p

  • August 17th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Mike LoRusso and Douglas Garvey setup a Golf Outing for ATDC / Angela’s House

    Mike LoRusso and Douglas Garvey held a golf outing at Stonebridge Golf Links and Country Club on August 17th. They did a great job organizing this great day. Everyone had a very good time. The Bar-B-Q and open bar topped off a great day. The proceeds from the golf outing went to ATDC / Angela’s House. Bob Policastro had the opportunity to thank everyone for all their help and support.

  • August 17th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Allstate Insurance Company makes donation to Angela’s House

    Inez Birbiglia presents a check to Bob Policastro of ATDC / Angela’s House

  • August 17th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Block Party helps Angela’s House

    Saturday August 12th was a beautiful day for a block party. Calico Tree Rd in Hauppauge had a great party with many actvities for the children including the fire department, water slides, magician ,dancing and many more fun events. It was amazing that in the excitement of this day the block generously took the time to do a raffle for Angela’s House which raised $510. Many thanks to everyone that made the raffle a success.

  • August 6th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Sunday Day 8 of the Charity Bike Ride

    Sunday Day 8

    The Charity Bike Ride ended at McCarthy’s Pub 2582 Middle Country Rd Centereach Long Island. Jack McCarthy had a tent and party between 1p and 5pm to celebrate the great accomplishments of William Iaia and Jay D’Agostino. A large crowd of people cheered William and Jay as they rode up to the McCarthy’s Pub. Many thanks to Suffolk County police for escorting them safely to there finish. They started the morning at 5am and it took them longer than they tought. Everyone was glad to see them come home safe and sound.

    If the medically frail children from Angela’s House and in our communities had a voice it would be in praise of these men for being their HERO today. Thank you William Iaia and Jay D’Agostino. Thank you Jack McCarthy and everyone that helped to make this effort a success.

  • August 5th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Saturday Day 7 of Charity Bike Ride

    Saturday Aug 5

    Last night they slept like babies. They had extremely comfortable beds at the Hampton Inn, ordered Pizza Hut delivered to the rooms. After they ate, two seconds later they were asleep.

    They left the hotel at 6:30 am and a half mile later, Jay got a flat. Finally resumed at 7 am. They traveled 116 miles and made it into New Jersey.
    The first hour was pleasant, but then the climbing began. They were told it was flat on eastern Pennsylvania; not true. William described it as climbing a cliff. Jay’s gone through a bottle of Advil.
    They enjoyed Shamokin, PA and went to an old 50s restaurant called Palmers that had girls on roller skates.
    They arrived at the Belvedere inn, a 135 year old bed and breakfast house. They were directed to the town Laundromat. They put their clothes in, went to Chinese dinner and when they returned, the washer door was locked. They were unable to get their riding clothes out, so they called the number on the door. A woman came and she said, “It’s broken”. William said, “I know it’s broken! We need to get out clothes out!” She said it still had a 9 minute cycle and the door would not open until it was done. Long story short, they finally got the door open and everything was soaked. They then had to wait for the drier.
    Their legs are shot. William’s knees are swollen from the climbing.
    They are burning more than 6300 calories a day! They are drinking 500 oz of fluid each day. William’s lunch today was McDonald’s chicken, fries and a 32 oz soda. Then he had another chicken and 2 more sodas to total 90 oz just for lunch.
    William said Jay is not a morning person. He starts out slow. By the end of the day Jay is strung out on Advil, feeling no pain and wants to push it. By then, William is tired. He says he was surprised Lay kept up but he is really strong.
    Today was 83 degrees and they rode most of the way in the shade.
    They got a kick out of seeing the homes so close to the street. They could ride by and look into the living rooms to see what was on TV.
    They came to Jim Thorp, Pennsylvania. If you don’t know who Jim Thorp is, do yourself a favor and rent the movie, starring Burt Lancaster, before you see William tomorrow at the bar. He’ll go crazy if you ask, “Who’s Jim Thorp.” He said the town was beautiful.
    They think they have 135 miles to go but will know more by 10 am tomorrow. They plan on riding down Broadway in Manhattan after lunch. They are shooting for 5 pm at the bar with the police escort.
    They are really excited to near the end of their journey. They’ve done an awesome job!

    Aunt Lee

  • August 5th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Friday Day 6 of Charity Bike Ride

    Friday Aug 4 Today they rode 140 miles. They left the hotel at 6:30 am and arrived at Selinsgrove, PA.Here are the highlights:-Jay got a flat tire at the hotel first thing this morning.-200 yards later, he got another flat.Weather was wonderful. they had a light drizzle for the first 3 hours that was very cool and enjoyable.-folks told them to use a 17 mile bike trail at the old railroad track that had been blasted through the mountains. it ran along a river and was gorgeous.-they stopped for a second breakfast at a restaurant that served your choice of breakfast or pizza. william had pizza, and jay had breakfast.-today they did not sweat. it was such a difference to ride while not dripping.-at one restaurant they met a young waitress named Khristi McCarl in Allensville, PA. the town has 350 people living in it, so jay asked her what she did for fun in such a small town. She replied that she won the ‘Catching a greased pig contest at the Fireman’s Festival and got her picture in the paper. Jay didn’t believe her, so she went home and came back with the newspaper article and let him keep it.-They rode through Amish country and came upon a man riding a buggy drawn by his horse. William convinced jay to race the buggy. Jay beat him going down hill, but the Amish man got it in high gear and passed Jay on the way up hill. Jay yelled over to him, “I almost had you!” The man laughed and went on his way.-They rode the last half hour in the dark at 23 mph.-They hope to ride 150 miles tomorrow and 100 Sunday to wrap it up. They are in great spirits and looking forward to the finish line.Aunt Lee

  • August 5th, 2006 by Angela's House

    Thursday DAY 5 of Charity Bike Ride

    Thursday Aug 3They left at 6 am and rode 115 miles until 9 pm, ending up in Edensburgh, PA. It took them 45 minutes to get up a hill at 4 mph. At 8 pm they had a torrential downpour, thunder and lightening. It was 94 degrees.Jay’s shoe got caught in the peddle (the bottom of the shoe has things that click in place on the peddle) and he fell off the bike and rolled into traffic. He’s fine, but William’s comment was “He almost wrecked the bike!!” How about his head! Then Jay almost wiped out in a lot of sand on a really bad road.They met a lady in a gas station who made a donation. Way to go!The funniest moment of the day was when they stopped for pizza. They placed their orders and promptly fell asleep int he booth. They had a really tough day and don’t think they ate enough food. William was shakey and he said “My legs are on fire!”

  • August 3rd, 2006 by Angela's House

    Wednesday DAY 4 Charity Bike Ride

    Report for yesterday, Wednesday, Aug 2…
    Started 7 am, Arrived at hotel 8:15 pm in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, 130 miles.
    They were pulled over by a cop; not allowed to ride on Rt 30. They explained what they were doing and the cop let them go on, telling them to be careful.
    Jay says a Rottweiler came out of a ladies yard in a small town and scared the hell out of him. They went from 15 miles and hour to 30 miles an hour. William says Jay was almost hit by a car, but Jay says the dog was almost hit by a car when they went out into traffic. They were doing wheelies during the adrenalin rush trying to escape the dog.
    Heat is only 90 degrees, but they are going through the mountains of Pennsylvania, so it is much harder to ride.
    Both are feeling great.
    Stopped at a fruit stand and borrowed their hose to take a shower.
    William went in a creek with his shoes and all to cool off.
    Stopped at Andi’s Convenience Store in Rogers Ohio.and the owner, Andi, gave them a check for $50 and drinks.
    Kimberly from Van Wert Ohio Holiday Inn Express a few days ago has become their personal travel agent. She is tracking them daily and finding the next available hotel to book a room. Now when they arrive, the employees are expecting them and greeting them, which they are really enjoying.
    They are having a great time talking to the locals; stopped in a bar for iced tea.
    Stopped to ask 2 elderly woman how far it was to Pennsylvania boarder. One pointed left and said 4 to 5 hours as the other woman pointed right and said 2 hours. Man stopped to help, brought out maps to help them judge distance and location. He offered them a ride in his truck. They thought it was tempting, but declined.
    They are in great spirits and are happy to learn they will have a police escort with motorcycles from Huntington in Nassau County as they end their journey.
    Aunt Lee