Angela's House Blog

  • July 24th, 2007 by Angela's House

    Day 4 bike ride

    The guys slept late and didn’t get on the road until 7 am. William had a difficult time staying asleep last night. He had to take Tylenol PM to make sure he sleeps tonight. They rode 122 miles today and ended up at the Microtel in Shallotte, North Carolina. They were on a very busy road all day and only had 5 inches of road to ride on for the bike path. They had to ride in the middle lane of a three lane highway part of the time and had people blowing horns at them. William’s legs are much better. The problem now is Jay’s severe sunburn. He decided to use 50 sun block, as he is a nice shade of purple. Jay says his butt is sore, but not as bad as last year. They are not quite half way and they think they are on schedule. They’ll know more once they reach Virginia. It was a quiet day since they had to ride single file; they didn’t talk much. They went through Myrtle Beach. William forgot to mention two flats so far. Other than that, everything is ok.
  • July 23rd, 2007 by Angela's House

    Day 3 Bike Ride

    Panic is setting in on Jay’s part. He’s worried that they won’t make it back in time. William, of course, is the ultimate optimist. William uses phrases like “I’m dying” and “My legs are shot”, but he continues to confidently state that Jay worries too much and there’s “no problem…we’ll be there on time.” William says his 8 days of training was simply not enough. His legs are still hurting, but not as badly as yesterday. Jay is fine. Today started in the dark at 5:30 am. The bridges were beautiful; however, they hit a bad section of Rt 17 where nothing was seen but two strip clubs. They worried that the drunken crowd who still partied at 5:30 am might accidentally run them over on their way out. Jay, on the other hand, almost hit a girl who was walking on the bike path as he cruised over a bridge going 30 mph. They met a man in a hamburger restaurant who stated the road ahead was really bad and “lots of people get killed there…but it’s a great thing you’re doing!” William said, “Gee thanks.” Nothing like a little encouragement. William says Jay is aggravated with him for dragging behind. The wind was on their face all day again today. They have to push up the daily mileage for the rest of the trip. They went 117 miles today and ended in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina at the Hampton Inn. They are no longer sure they are on schedule, but will be studying the map tonight. Both are in good spirits over all. William said he may have to check on the Greyhound bus schedule.

  • July 22nd, 2007 by Angela's House

    Day 2 – Bike Rides

    “No Legs Willie” just phoned in with today’s report. His legs are shot and he has no power…totally shot, he repeats. William needs more carbs tonight. They were up at 5 am and had breakfast at 5:30 am. On the road at 6 am in a cool, dark morning. The first 40-50 miles were good. Scenery included a wild bore crossing the street in front of them with 8 babies following behind. It was overcast all day and the wind was uncomfortably always on their face. They arrived in Savannah, which William says is just beautiful. So beautiful, that he insisted they see it by bicycle. Not William’s bike. Not Jay’s bike. But a tourist bicycle peddled by a guide. Jay wanted to walk, but William convinced him they should try this and someone else should peddle for awhile. So they saw the sight’s of Savannah with one guide peddling the two of them around town. They are now at the Econo Lodge. William is soaking in an Epsom bath to be followed by an ice bath. Jay is fine. They remain on Rt 17, which is a beautiful clean bike road. They are on schedule. Day Two was 120 miles.
  • July 21st, 2007 by Angela's House

    Charity Bike Ride

    Jay D’Agostino and William Iaia will do a bike ride from Florida to New York starting on July 21st. This charity bike ride will be for Angela’s House. It will be to honor children with special health care needs that are medically frail, technology dependent, chronically ill or living with a life threatening illness. Jay says that he sees how these families struggle with the day to day efforts needed to support these children. This struggle in many cases continues to a year to year effort which can be difficult on a family. Jay feels the difficulty of this ride is nothing compared to what the families do week to week, year to year. The bike shirt above will be wore throughout the ride. Thanks to the sponsor Double R Contracting. Read More

  • July 21st, 2007 by Angela's House

    The Angela’s House Bike Ride Starts

    The long awaited trip is off to a bad start. William and Jay were to leave on JetBlue yesterday at 3pm. Due to storms, they were grounded for hours and did not leave until 8:30 pm. They arrived in Jacksonville at 11:30 pm. Minor set back: riders were in Florida but bikes were still in New York! No one had any information and JetBlue was unable to find the bikes until this morning at 11:30 am. Once at the hotel, the bikes were assembled and William and Jay decided to head out ahead of schedule, anticipating that more trouble may be lurking ahead. With no lunch, and 98 degree heat, they got lost and were already tired. They traveled 45 miles in 4 hours. At 5:30, they arrived at the Ramada Inn in Kingsland, Georgia. They jumped in the hotel pool, which felt like a hot bath. They discussed the plan, which starts at the Waffle House tomorrow at 5am and on the road at 6 am. They completely changed course from their previous plans to take 301 and are now taking RT. 17 through Savannah and Myrtle Beach. Their spirits are good, but the pressure is on. They learned today that they MUST be on time, as Jericho is being shut down to allow for the Bag Pipers on Saturday!

  • July 19th, 2007 by Angela's House

    The Angela’s House Bike Ride gets ready to begin

    Jay D’Agostino and Billy Iaia take care of some last minute things before they fly to Florida to begin their bike ride to New York.
  • July 19th, 2007 by Angela's House

    ATDC / Angela’s House Golf Outing

    The 5th Annual Golf outing will be held on August 13,2007 at the St George’s Golf and Country Club. For a sign up form please visit

  • July 18th, 2007 by Angela's House

    Fishing Charter Fundraiser

    Fishing Fundraiser
    ATDC / Angela’s House

    Sailing July 24, 2007 from Captree State Park

    FISHTALE The boat will leave at 4pm. Enjoy 4 hours of fishing and dinner Fishing amenities include: rod/reel, bait, hooks and sinkers

    For more information or sponsorships please visit or
    call 631 979 2620
    Information and directions for the charter boat:

    Individual tickets: $50
    Includes: fishing, dinner and prize for biggest fish.

    Payment by check can be made out to:
    ATDC / Angela’s House
    P.O. Box 5052
    Hauppauge, NY 11788

  • July 2nd, 2007 by Angela's House

    Ursuline school Key Club helps the children of Angela’s House

    Caitlin Schwind the president of the Ursuline Key Club contacted Angela’s House with a great idea. The members of the Key club wanted to do something special. The idea was to make books on tape for the children to listen to popular children’s stories. They spent two months making 15 tapes with 32 recorded stories. The children love these tapes.
  • June 22nd, 2007 by Angela's House

    Bike ride from Florida to New York for Angela’s House

    Jay D’Agostino and William Iaia will do a bike ride from Florida to New York starting on July 21st. This charity bike ride will be for Angela’s House. It will be to honor children with special health care needs that are medically frail, technology dependent, chronically ill or livivng with a life threatening illness. Jay was say that he sees how these families struggle with the day to day efforts needed to support these children. This struggle in many cases continues to a year to year effort which can be difficult on a family. Jay feels the difficulty o fthis ride is nothing compared to what the families do week to week, year to year. The bike shirt above will be wore throughout the ride. Thanks to the sponsor Double R Contracting.