The Student Government from Forest Brook Elementary School visited Angela’s House to help clean up around the house. The students planted 8 cabbage plants in front of the house.
Angela's House Blog
November 19th, 2008 by Angela's House
Hauppauge Forest Brook Elementary School Helps Angela’s House
November 18th, 2008 by Angela's House
A Night for a Cure
The Event on November 13th was a beautiful evening.The volunteers did a great job helping to make this night a success. -
November 13th, 2008 by Angela's House
A Night for a Cure
What a spectacular evening. The Night for a Cure was on November 13th 2008. This affair was special in many ways. It helped to bring about awareness and raise money for nineteen childhood diseases and illnesses. There were many things that came together to make this event a success. Oheka Castle generously provided a venue for an enchanted evening. Our student volunteers did an exceptional job playing music, escorting guests, raffles sales, serving food and the student presentation. The food was spectacular with local restaurants donating their favorite dishes for a delectable cocktail hour and dinner. The donated baskets that filled the grand ball room were amazing. To top it off, the parents and families of the nineteen diseases and illness joined together with their guests and friends to enjoy the love and effort that went into having this special evening. Read More
November 12th, 2008 by Angela's House
Hauppauge Middle School make a donation to Angela’s House
Hauppauge Middle School did a fund raiser called Cars for a Cure. This was done to support the effort Angela’s House was doing on November 13th called A Night for a Cure. The Hauppauge School district was very involved with this effort because they are supporting over 8 children in their community that have diseases and illnesses that this money will go toward. 100 percent of the money raised will go to the research to help find cures for childhood diseases.
November 10th, 2008 by Angela's House
Vets Day 5K Run
The James V. Kavanaugh Knights of Columbus Vets Day 5K Run was on Sunday November 9th in honor of Angela’s House
November 9th, 2008 by Angela's House
Angel of Hope
November 9th, 2008 by Angela's House
A Haunted House that helps Angela’s house
A very creative idea. One of our families changed the focus of Halloween.
They made a haunted house but they did it to raised money for Angela’s House -
November 3rd, 2008 by Angela's House
Cars for a Cure
It was an amazing day at the Hauppauge Middle School on Saturday November 1st. They did a fundraiser called “Cars for a Cure”.
The faculty, students and community did a great job with this exciting event. The guiding force behind this was the principal Mrs Maryann Fletcher and the main coordinator of the event the Assistant principle Mrs Joy Ferrara. This effort was born out of the Middle School desire to help honor the many local children in their community that are afflicted with diseases and illnesses. The feeling that we are trying to create is the community is behind there kids. The children and their parents should not feel alone. The community is thinking about them. This event raised awareness and money to support research so that one day we may find cures for these childhood diseases. During the months of October and November many people have come together to show we can all make a difference.The Middle school event has been a great kick off to the many efforts the teachers and students have done through out the Hauppauge district to help show support to their children and their parents . The Elementary Schools have been doing fund raisers and making baskets. The teachers have been doing multiple creative things including jeans days to raise money and awareness. Many thanks to the Hauppauge school district, teachers, students and community for all their support. The many families in their district that have children with different diseases and illnesses really appreciate all they have done.
On November 13th Angela’s House will be hosting a fund raiser to raise money and awareness for childhood diseases and illnesses. The event is called ” A Night for A Cure” which will be held at Oheka Castle. This event honors all the children and families throughout Long Island and the Metro area. 100 percent of the money raised will go to support research to support all of our children.
October 22nd, 2008 by Angela's House
Angel of Hope construction continues
October 22nd, 2008 by Angela's House
Maxim Group helps families in need