Angela's House Blog

  • June 13th, 2014 by Angela's House

    Heroes On Our Island: Angela’s House

  • June 11th, 2014 by Bob

    Angela’s House Golf Outing

    The Angela’s House Golf Outing  on June 9th was great  success despite the major rain delay in the morning.

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  • June 4th, 2014 by Angela's House

    NEWSLETTER Spring 2014

    Angela’s House offers programs and supports and will coordinate services to families who need care for their medically frail children at home. For children who cannot be cared for at home, Angela’s House I, II and III are specially designed homes that provide a warm environment with 24-hour nursing care to accommodate the children’s complex medical and physical needs.


    kevinEver wonder how one moment in time can change the rest of your life? In an instant, our whole world can change. Where we once thought we were headed, no longer is the plan. Within a blink of an eye everything is changed. Lord, I need you …I need you Lord…  I can’t do this alone … Help me O God…I’m lost right now… At times, it feels like everything is still a blur; like I’m still standing right where I was… trying to catch my breath. That day…I’ll never forget that day. It was October 14th, 2012. My grandson, who was 12 years old at the time, had a heart attack. His heart stopped…for about 40 seconds Kevin was unable to get oxygen to his brain. From that day on, he has never been the same. So uncommon for a child that age, a heart attack. It was never expected, but a reality we had to face.

    My name is Connie Lynch, and my grandson is Kevin. That heart attack left Kevin in real bad shape.  I don’t think any amount of preparation really could prepare us for the after effect of Kevin’s state. He had to get a tracheotomy tube to help him breathe and a feeding tube to eat. He became wheelchair bound, and is unable to talk or do anything for himself. Kevin was left immobilized…

    All I know is right now… I need you Lord… Help me!!!
    They say it’s the good memories that get us through all the bad times. Well, I do have a lot of good ones. Those memories I hold on to, oh so dearly, while I sit and pray for better times now. It’s the simple things in life we take for granted. We go on about our busy lives and before we know it, life has passed us by. I want for Kevin to have another chance at these things that mean so much now. To do again the things he loved before the attack.

    Kevin always could put a smile on your face. He was such a bright boy before that day. He wasn’t scared of anything. He loved music and he loved to dance. I get lost sometimes in those memories. They bring back that smile that Kevin always put on my face. I want to stay there… those happy memories, but then reality rolls back in. I must pick myself back up and keep pressing on.

    After the heart attack, Kevin was placed into a rehab facility in Manhattan. It was very hard for me because he was so far from home and I could only see him once a week. He stayed there for about a year. We were then blessed to have him move into the new Angela’s House in Stony Brook.  Since Kevin has been there, he is more comfortable and smiles all the time.  I thank God for this opportunity. They are a blessing to these children and their families. Now I can see Kevin more often. This has greatly helped in lifting my spirits by being able to see Kevin more and I know it has also helped him as well. The smile I get to see tells it all. It is these moments we so eagerly hope for. It is often when you think that all hope is lost…the Lord shows Himself, and I am reminded to keep pressing on; that He is with us always.

    Lord…Please… Help me to accept this… Lord I don’t know how I can go on…I need to be strong Father…
    The days go by, and I seem to have gotten by thanks to the Lord. He has kept me going. He has made the unbearable moments bearable. I am continuing to trust and believe that God will make a way, even when there seems to be no way. Kevin may be in a state where he has not spoken since that day, but he is still here.  That little boy…his spirit…is still here.  I’ve seen emotions and changes in Kevin when he is happy and when he is sad. Thank you Angela’s House.

    – Connie Lynch (loving grandmother of Kevin)

    “We, the one’s who are challenged, need to be heard. To be seen not as a disability, but as a person who has, and will cont inue to bloom. To be seen not only as a handicap, but as a well intact human being.” -Robert M. Hensel

    Message from the Executive Director Bob Policastro

    bob-policastroIt is a letter like the one on the cover of this newsletter that reminds us all why we must continue strong with our mission in assisting medically frail children and their families. You can feel the pain and sorrow in the letter and it is a blessing that we can play a big part of helping people such as this family. Our new home in Stony Brook continues to be a blessing for the 8 children that live there. You can see and feel the impact our warm home environment is having on these children.

    It is an honor to receive the overwhelming support of our community. This support is helping to educate people about the lives of medically fragile children and the challenges the families face in caring for their children at home. Our programs and support staff help over 600 children in local neighborhoods. It is important that our community is aware that our support is there to assist medically frail, chronically il, or children living with a life threatening illness. We cannot do this alone. If your company, school, or social group has an idea to help, please call or email us at It brings great comfort to parents when they know people are thinking about them.

    We do several family events each year that are very important for the medically frail children along with their siblings ans parents. At the end of the year we had our holiday party. We had over 800 people attend this two day event. It is a magical and important event and we are grateful to our sponsor Arthur Krantz from We Care for Kids. We will continue to explore more events that we can create for families. Thank you for your help in assisting medically fragile children in our community.

    Come join us on Facebook, Twitter, and our website to learn about the exciting events and activities we do all year.

    Thanks to Our Supporters


    Save the Date: Angel of Hope Candlelight Vigil

    December 7th, 2014 – 4:00 PM at Eisenhower Park

    For all families that have lost a child.

    Angela’s House Spring Gala

    gala1 gala2The Watermill in Smithtown was transformed from a beautiful catering hall into a space full of love, support, friends, and family. Over 250 people attended the Gala which was an event that united people for a beautiful night, in support of the children and families of Angela’s House. Bob Policastro gave an emotional speech honoring Bonnie Farrell, a nurse supervisor at Angela’s House, known for her kindness, compassion, and dedication, whose life was lost far too soon. Darren Krantz, a long time friend and supporter of the organization, was honored for his Race for Kids Organization. Darren Krantz, president of PRC Industries, has generously been promoting and raising money for Angela’s House.

    Your Gifts Make a Difference

    Donations can be sent to:
    Angela’s House PO Box 5052
    Hauppauge, NY 11788
    Angela’s House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; your gift is tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

    Angela’s House uses public programs, grants and donations to assist families caring for their children with special health care needs that are medically fragile, chronically ill or living with a life threatening illness. Your donations and assistance with fundraising allows us to ease the financial burdens our families experience with the day-to-day care of these children. These funds are very important especially for children who need help right away but often must wait months to get assistance through public programs. These funds are used to purchase medical supplies, medical care, therapeutic equipment, and other items not covered by insurance. Below are a few of the families and children we assist in our programs.

    Donations in Memory Of:
    Fran Argalie
    Andrew Bailerlein
    Tony & Anna Cambareri
    Dominic Capone
    Zachary Cashin
    Thomas Colapietro
    Antonella DiGiovanni
    Evan Dragan
    Bonnie Farrell
    Kelly Anne Ficken
    Paula Gould
    Kenneth Grimes
    Kyle Herring
    Kaitlyn Hesselbirg
    Carl Hopf
    Brandon LeMaire
    Michelle McGann
    Carmela Morrone
    Paulie Poloskey
    Angela Policastro
    Evelyn Schneider
    Peter Verdeschi
    Donations in Honor Of:
    Lori Alley
    The Altbacker Family
    Caroline Caggiano
    William Duddy
    Grace Feeney
    Jack Flanagan
    Cadence McGoldrick
    Emma Nelson
    Caroline Serva
    Jake Spadalik
    Jake Zane
    Planned Gifts
    For information on making a Planned Gift, please contact Angela’s House so that we may assist you. Gift opportunities include; Bequests, Life Insurance, Real Estate, Stock, Trusts, and Wills.


    My Country for Angela’s House


    JVC Broadcasting, My Country FM 96.1, held an all day fundraiser and raffle for Angela’s House. DJ’s Fhathead and Bill Powers helped to raise money and awareness about medically frail children in our community.

    Festive Holiday Party


    “We Care for Kids” founder “King” Arthur Krantz helped organize and host a spectacular two day party for the children and families of Angela’s House. Sponsors included PRC Industries, IBEW Local 25 and Pace’s Steak House. This party would not have been possible without the many volunteers that helped make it successful. The hall was decorated to look like a Disney winter wonderland.


    • Race for Kids Sponsorships for the 2014 Racing Season: For more information go to
    • Fishing Fundraiser: July 22, 4 PM. Sailing from Captree State Park. Fishing and Dinner.
    • Arthur & William J. Pace Memorial Golf Outing benefiting Angela’s House: August 25, 2014. Nissequogue Golf Club
  • May 31st, 2014 by Bob

    Eagle Project for Angela’s House

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    Smithtown Angela’s House II made a make over by boy scout Colin Moe, Made a a new rock garden, planted bushed and spread out over 70 tons of wood chips

  • May 29th, 2014 by Bob

    Gift to Angela’s House for our new home Angela’s House III in Stony Brook

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  • May 20th, 2014 by Bob

    Race for Kids – supporting Angela’s House

    010 (3) 010 (4) 016 (2) 1620595_4045151224738_1521929889_n May 31 police

  • May 10th, 2014 by Bob

    Dance Electra supports Angela’s House


  • May 7th, 2014 by Bob

    Beautiful dolls donated to Angela’s House

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  • May 5th, 2014 by Bob

    Girl Scouts make a garden at Angela’s House in Smithtown


  • May 2nd, 2014 by Bob

    Ward Melville Key Club makes blankets for Angela’s House

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